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Niños en Duelo, Familias en Desconsuelo

Presented in collaboration with OMI Grief Services Program Una presentación gratuita de Verónica Flores, directora del programa bilingüe del Grief Center of NM. La muerte de un miembro de la...

Grieving Children, Grieving Families Webinar (emphasis on accidental overdose loss)

A free presentation by Mickey Kivitz, M.S. and Director of Education for The Grief Center of New Mexico. The “Grieving Children, Grieving Families” presentations are a series of 1 hour talks for any caring adult interacting with a grieving child – as a guardian or community member. Based on the book Parenting Through Grief (written by...

Grieving Children, Grieving Families Webinar (for any caring adult)

A free presentation by Mickey Kivitz, M.S. and Director of Education for The Grief Center of New Mexico. Raising kids has always been a balancing act. When someone in the family dies, however, everyone’s world is turned upside down. Getting through the pain of your own loss while attending to your children's needs, who are also...

Grieving Children, Grieving Families Webinar (emphasis on homicide loss)

A free presentation by Mickey Kivitz, M.S. and Director of Education for The Grief Center of New Mexico. Raising kids has always been a balancing act. When someone in the family dies, however, everyone’s world is turned upside down. Getting through the pain of your own loss while attending to your children's needs, who are also...