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Niños en Duelo, Familias en Desconsuelo

Presented in collaboration with OMI Grief Services Program Una presentación gratuita de Verónica Flores, directora del programa bilingüe del Grief Center of NM. La muerte de un miembro de la...

Volunteer Appreciation & Mini Training

This training is an opportunity to connect with other volunteers who facilitate groups on the multiple other nights we offer. It's important for us to debrief and review the last...

Art Workshop for Families & Adults

Art provides a safe, non-verbal way to express complex emotions. Mandala painting uses repetitive and circular patterns of mandalas to promote a sense of calm and centering. In this workshop,...

Sand Tray Workshop for Adults

Sand tray is a creative, expressive activity that helps the participant understand themselves and their life experiences by placing miniature figurines in a tray of sand. In this workshop adults...

Grief Matters Workshop for Children & Teens

This is a half-day, hands-on workshop for 5-year-olds – teens. The different physical, expressive, and interactive activities that children rotate through (in same age peer groups) help them to identify...

Back-to-School Jumpstart Workshop

Returning to school following a significant loss can bring up a range of feelings and emotions for bereaved children. No matter how children are feeling or what they are experiencing,...