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Grieving Children, Grieving Families Webinar (emphasis on supporting grief in schools, sports & scouts)

June 19, 2025 @ 1:00 pm 2:00 pm

A free presentation by Mickey Kivitz, M.S. and Director of Education for The Grief Center of New Mexico.

Raising kids has always been a balancing act. When someone in the family dies, however, everyone’s world is turned upside down. Getting through the pain of your own loss while attending to your children’s needs, who are also grieving, is an incredible challenge. Parenting Through Grief (written by Jade Richardson Bock and Dr. Craig Pierce), provides a framework for how to navigate parenting in the shadow of loss. With simple strategies to help you connect with your family during this difficult and painful time, Parenting Through Grief provides the comfort of knowing you can still parent with confidence and love.

All attendees must click here to register.

All presentations are 1 hour long, free of charge, and provided via Zoom. Thank you to the Office of Student and Adolescent Health (New Mexico Department of Health) for sponsoring this training series.

Parenting Through Grief is available on Amazon for $12.95 (all proceeds go to The Grief Center; neither author receives compensation for any book sales). Or stop by the Center for Hope and Healing to pick up a complimentary copy. Due to limited capacity, we are unable to mail free copies from the Center.